With "Human Resources Magazine Asia"
Asia journalist Shalini
Shukla asked ART's Managing
Director to discuss the role of the
MBA in today's Asia executive
Research Technologies, L.L.C.
(ART),, is a global executive search firm, recruiting in the
industrial, high tech and service
sectors, for senior- and
middle-management positions in
general management, sales and
marketing, finance, supply chain,
manufacturing, IT, and human
ASIA: How important is
an MBA in getting top management jobs
"Ultimately, success in obtaining the
top management jobs still depends upon
competence in one's field of
expertise, be it in general
management, sales, marketing, finance,
supply chain, manufacturing,
operations, technical, or human
resources roles. Above all, a manager
needs to have a solid track record of
successes in one's employment history.
There is no single qualification, even
from the top B-schools, that could
replace career success as evidence
that one is a competent manager. Yes,
some very large companies will recruit
some people with no career experiences
fresh out of some top B-schools and
put them into their management
training programs, but even those
employees are not guaranteed success
at that firm or at future firms. In
fact, they will be evaluated even more
exactingly than many others,
specifically because they were
recruited with great expectations. If
they cannot prove themselves on the
job as competent managers, they will
be pushed aside quickly.
"It is
true that there are many companies
that will not consider hiring managers
who do have great successes in
business but who do not have MBA's.
This, I think, is a tragic mistake,
because in my experience as a
recruiter - over 25 years - I have
seen people with top degrees at top
business schools lead their companies
into historically tragic failures,
while I have also seen outstanding
business leaders even without
university degrees bring great success
to their employees, shareholders,
vendors, customers, and to society at
large. Each person should be judged by
their individual abilities.
worst attribute of a hiring manager or
a company hiring policy is
inflexibility in the face of obvious
excellence. If your firm's greatest
competitor is run by a manager without
an MBA, and if your firm wants to be
as successful as your competitor,
would you turn away that top manager
who made your competitor successful,
only because s/he did not have an MBA?
Some companies are that inflexible,
and in my experience, such
inflexibility suggests a company's
management is more focused on policies
than on realities, more on image than
on results. Such companies usually do
not last long in the real world,
because, we should remind ourselves,
the real world is not the same as a
business school case study. The real
world of business is infinitely more
complex than any business school
course or academic theory.
"In the
hiring world, if a company truly
believes that an MBA is proof of
success in business or in
understanding business, then they are
naïve to reality and therefore, a more
risky kind of company to work for.
Let's remember that the famous Dotcom
Bubble burst when investors finally
realized that all those CEO's, CFO's
and COO's coming out of top American
business schools actually had little
or no experience starting or running
actual businesses. They were hired for
their abilities to conduct "road
shows" rather than for any actual
experience running successful
enterprises. The perception of those
managers by VC firms that hired them
was that investors would assume that
the dotcom would succeed simply
because the management came from such
elite business schools. Their pitch
was that success was somehow
guaranteed because of a diploma. The
standard lie that was fobbed off to
the public was that these managers
were so smart that they did not have
to have actually run firms profitably,
and when they kept doing little more
than burn through investors' money,
investors were told not to worry, that
those managers knew better. Many
investors were fooled until they
started to understand that the chief
game was not in making real companies
but in fooling even more gullible
investors. Our firm never worked with
such companies or candidates, because
at ART, which was founded in 1987, we
always need to see competence in the
managers that we recruit, and also in
the hiring managers for whom we
recruit. We need to see that our
client companies are properly run by
competent people, or, if they are
problematic, we need those employers
to show that they are anxious to bring
in competent managers who could fix
their problems. Frankly, I do not know
how many executive search firms
willingly turn away as much business
as ART does, but we are proud to do
so, because we only want to work with
firms that we think could be good for
our candidates' careers.
an MBA alone must never be viewed as a
replacement for career success,
personal integrity, strong work ethic,
great interpersonal skills, a natural
ability as a leader, or any other key
attributes expected of a top manager.
It is important to remember that every
day someone with a nice MBA degree is
fired because s/he was a bad manager.
Yes, an MBA might help get you a good
job, but it is up to you to keep that
job by being a good manager.
should be looked at as only one tool
in a job seeker's 'tool chest' of
qualifications, skills, abilities and
achievements. In interviewing for a
top management job, an employer will
be evaluating the person as a whole,
and an MBA or other educational
qualification will be seen as possibly
representing certain training that a
manager should have, but it will
normally only be viewed as one
checkbox among many that an employer
will need to check off before
recommending a hire."
ASIA: Any change from
the past? Any trends you're noticing
in the various industries and
ART: "In the
past, in the Asia-Pacific region, we
tended to see mostly American
companies looking for MBA's in their
Asia-Pacific managers. This was
primarily because in America so many
hiring managers themselves had MBA's,
and generally hiring managers usually
hire in their own image.
several years, we have been seeing
numerous Asian companies either
require or desire MBA's in their new
management hires. This is frequently
due to the hiring manager having
received an MBA, but also when some
forward-looking Asian firms need their
managers to have a more formalized and
recognizable training in standard
world business practices and
processes. Many Asian firms started
out as family run businesses, and such
structures often have their own unique
conceptions of business finance,
operations, and management. In such
firms, a very good manager at one such
family run company or conglomerate
might have been indoctrinated with
certain non-standard conceptions about
business management that might not
work well at other companies,
including other local family run
firms. An MBA from a recognized
business school could inculcate larger
and more global practices that could
be critical for the firm's long term
survival in this very competitive
Asian business world.
family based firms reach a point where
growth becomes a problem for them,
because they have been organized in
old ways that worked well for much
smaller sized businesses. At this new
stage of growth, however, an
MBA-trained senior manager might be
able to come in and help reorganize
the firm to handle sustained growth or
other challenges. Be it in operations
management, human resources
management, financial management,
sales and marketing management, or
supply chain management, a good world
class MBA might bring to a company
tremendous extra value. This, I think,
is what any education should be used
for. It should bring knowledge or ways
of thinking that otherwise might not
have been possessed by the manager.
One usually knows only one's immediate
experiences in the companies where one
has worked. In a lifetime, that might
be a handful of exposures to different
business models. Good MBA training,
however, might have exposed a manager
to dozens or hundreds of different
business models, both good and bad,
from which the manager could borrow or
adapt practices to fit his or her
trend that we are seeing in the
Asia-Pacific region is an MBA
requirement by some European firms.
Traditionally, European managers often
have not had MBA's. Many very good
European managers do not have full
four year university degrees, while
others have technical degrees,
including Ph.D.'s. They usually looked
for managers who were in their image,
so MBA's were less common. Recently,
however, we have been coming upon
European hiring managers posted in
Asia who have European, North American
or Asia-Pacific MBA's, and they often
are seeking local managers with MBA's.
In one placement that we made in China
with a very prominent French company,
we placed a Chinese General Manager
who had received his MBA from Oxford.
He has proved to be one of the
corporation's most successful and high
profile managers globally. That
manager's value to our client came
from both his excellent business
training and his prior experiences
working as a manager for a top German
competitor. We would not have made
that placement if we had not first
seen competence exhibited on the job
at recognizably excellent companies,
but his MBA greatly added to his depth
in understanding how to run a key
business unit of a global
ASIA: It seems that many
management level executives have MBAs.
What then would be a differentiating
factor amongst them?
think that the big difference among
many MBA holders whom I have known is
in the individual's intellectual
curiosity. Intellectual curiosity is
not something that comes with any
university degree; it has to be in
one's personality. However, it is easy
to see people with MBA's who really
seem to have learned nothing in
business school. These are the people
who usually look at an MBA or
university degree as a sort of lucky
charm or as proof of some kind of
knowledge. These are shallow people
for whom, in my opinion, education was
wasted, because just as they crammed
for exams and immediately forgot their
lessons and casebook studies after the
exam, they move through life and their
careers mostly trying to just get by
without thinking or doing much. In
senior management roles, such people
could be horrible managers, often
driving out the most enthusiastic and
capable managers and staff.
"The best
managers who have earned MBA's are
those people who look at their company
or department as a sort of continuous
improvement project. They keep
learning from others and from their
mistakes, and they make their
organizations and themselves better.
They are enthusiastic about learning
new ways of working more efficiently.
They are enthusiastic about developing
their careers, companies, staff and
customers, and in turn, these parties
provide positive support and
appreciation of their hard work and
good will. Good business training,
like any good educational experience,
should teach a person how to think,
how to approach problems, how to not
assume that they are always right. A
good business manager should look at a
challenge at his or her company as an
opportunity to apply his or her
knowledge and abilities to help make a
better company. So while comparing two
resumes I could see two people with
apparently similar MBA's and similar
job titles and companies, my job as a
headhunter is to know how to
differentiate between the 'faker' and
the 'real thing.' The difference
between an experienced headhunter and
an inexperienced one is that the
experienced headhunter is usually
better able to recognize and recruit
the bright, enthusiastic manager, and
to the avoid the corporate deadwood."
ASIA: Is there any other
type of executive education course
that leaders should look towards over
and above an MBA? Or perhaps a
different type of MBA altogether
(specialisation, etc...)?
"Whenever possible, if one aspires to
the highest ranks of management, it is
always worth considering expanding
one's training beyond one's immediate
field. This breadth of professional
self-development makes one more
attractive to employers, because one
becomes more aware of the
interconnections between departments
and disciplines. For example, if one's
specialization is sales and marketing,
beyond focusing on business
development studies, finance training
could be valuable, because an
understanding of accounting, budgets
and investment finance could make one
a more complete business unit head --
great preparation for a CEO or
Managing Director role. A person
working in finance, similarly, could
gain much by greater training in
supply chain or operations or even
sales and marketing. This could dispel
conceptions by some that s/he is
mostly a "numbers cruncher" and
therefore s/he might be looked at for
COO or CEO jobs, in addition to CFO
positions. A manufacturing or supply
chain executive similarly could
advance in a company beyond
departmental roles by delving into
other disciplines. An HR head should
try to learn more about best HR
management practices, of course, but
with additional training in other
disciplines - business development,
finance, supply chain management,
business operations, s/he could
potentially be considered for general
management roles. The principle here
is that the more that a manager can
exhibit an ability to understand and
reach out to more departments, and to
understand how to manage challenges
beyond one's immediate department, the
more career opportunities that might
become available. Even if one wishes
to remain in one's own discipline, the
broadening of knowledge into these
other relevant areas can make one's
prospects and daily challenges much
more rewarding.
formal degrees, everyone could
probably use effective training in
interpersonal communications, because
good presentation skills can influence
others and make one's job a lot
easier. Many senior managers are
terrible communicators, and companies
are often on the lookout for good
communicators who could better manage
their departments and business units."
ASIA: Would this mean that a
general MBA is no longer 'valid' in
today's context?
ART: "There
are so many versions of business
training today, that it is difficult
to generalize about this or that
curriculum's validity. Some are
focused on teaching all major
disciplines in modules, with a goal of
creating a manager who could
potentially fit into any department.
Other programs are more focused on
specific job duties or specific
industries. I think that all of these
types of programs are valid and
useful, as long as the person taking
them can learn something. There are
some managerial positions that really
require a person to have a very
specialized and narrowly focused
approach, while other managerial roles
demand a 'large vision' training that
cuts across different disciplines."
ASIA: Any other
ART: "There
is a very disturbing trend involving
MBA's and other totally unaccredited
university degrees. This is the
proliferation of the many 'diploma
mills' that are doing business across
Asia and elsewhere and that are
selling nearly worthless degrees to
people who might not be fully aware of
what they are buying. Most of these
businesses operate in the UK,
Australia, or the USA, and they offer
alleged MBA's attached to so-called
'universities' that are often little
more than mailing addresses. Their
names can be very grand and deceptive,
and this is the main selling point of
these bogus degrees. Sometimes people
buy these diplomas in order to deceive
employers. I imagine that these job
seekers believe that armed with a
good-sounding MBA, they will become
more attractive to employers or will
earn high compensation. In my opinion,
however, presenting these kinds of
fake qualifications is very dangerous
to one's career. I know of employers
that have fired people who were found
to have claimed fake degrees. If a
person is fired for this reason,
future employment prospects at other
companies might be endangered or
limited during a reference check. Our
firm warns prospective recruits to
absolutely not present to us or to our
client companies any degrees or
qualifications that are not from
accredited educational institutions.
If during a recruitment process we
find that a candidate has presented us
with fake qualifications, we will not
present them to our client. If we
discover these fake qualifications
after a presentation, we inform our
client of our findings and as a result
the employer typically decides to not
move on that candidate.
reasoning is that faking one's
qualifications suggests not simply a
desire to do better in one's career --
'to get a leg up'-- but rather that
the person has a serious character
flaw: a lack of personal integrity and
ethical behavior. I am personally
offended when a person sends me a
resume or CV with falsified
qualifications, and I will not present
them to my clients. Since our firm is
often hired to find replacements for
problematic managers, our clients want
us to find managers for their business
units who can be trusted. We often are
asked to do international recruitment,
where our client and candidates are a
world away, and so our client
absolutely needs to have a Managing
Director, General Manager, Vice
President or Director who absolutely
can be entrusted to run their overseas
business. A hard working, honest and
ethical business manager is an
extremely valuable manager for a
company and for an executive search
firm. It is imperative for our firm to
avoid candidates who might suggest to
us in any way that they are dishonest.
While some people might minimize the
presentation of a fake MBA as a just a
way of getting ahead, we absolutely do
not tolerate this behavior if we
discover it. Either the person is
exhibiting bad judgment or bad ethics,
and both of these characteristics make
very bad managers, with or without
MBA's. Our belief is that such a
person cannot be trusted to run our
client companies. There are many good
people that we prefer to help