With "Purchasing Magazine"
Emily Kay asked ART's
Managing Director his
opinions on what skills
are needed in today's
Purchasing Officers
MAGAZINE: What are some of
the latest
trends in procurement that
could have an impact on the
skills that purchasing
officers need to attain such
positions, retain them, and
advance in their field?
"Trends such as e-procurement,
along with a strong
understanding of relevant ERP
software, are causing
Procurement V.P's, Procurement
Directors and Procurement
Managers to upgrade their
technical skills, but the
greatest overall change to the
field is that there now are
requirements that simply cannot
be learned in one easy seminar
or by buying a book. How does
one teach a procurement person
who has only dealt with a
limited group of vendors for
years or decades in his or her
own metropolitan area, state or
country, to suddenly become more
worldly and more knowledgeable
about every region of the world?
It's especially difficult when
most other company managers and
when most Americans in general
know little about the world
outside of these 50 states.
globalization of the Industrial
Revolution is a tremendous
opportunity for American
companies to become greater than
they have ever been, even though
less and less manufacturing is
currently being done in the
United States. There are
opportunities worldwide to gain
greater access to exciting and
high quality technologies and
products that are made outside
of the U.S., and U.S.
manufacturers have an
opportunity to spread their
products in greater numbers to
more customers. Valuable vendors
are to be found not only in low
cost countries, but also in the
most expensive industrialized
countries, yet many U.S.
procurement managers fail to tap
into the panoply of options
simply because they are afraid
to look beyond what they have
known. Many do not want to spend
a lot of time doing
international travel to
investigate the cost versus
quality versus delivery
reliability equations. So they
make big mistakes or miss great
American companies wish to
survive, they need to have the
most effective supply chain
organization that they could
afford - including upgrades to
purchasing, materials, logistics
and distribution groups. With an
ordinary or substandard supply
chain organization, in this
world economy, these companies
will cease to exist in a few
years, because the supply chain
organization has become the
heart of a company's vitality,
and through this heart's veins
and arteries, components and
finished products need to flow
very effectively. If there is a
hiccup, a blockage, or an
unexpected diversion, the entire
corporate body quakes. It
doesn't matter how well
financing has been handled, or
how brilliant product
development has been, or how
precisely manufacturing has been
timed, methodized, and
organized, or how aggressive or
creative the sales and marketing
people have been, if the
customer never gets the product
delivered as expected.
a world where US companies are
doing less of their own
manufacturing and are depending
upon new and usually foreign
vendor sources of components,
the quality of the procurement
staff could make or break the
company. They could needlessly
overpay vendors for years and
end up making their products too
costly compared to the
competition, or they could buy
low with poor or inconsistent
quality and destroy their
customers' confidence in the
company's brands overnight.
Truly an entire company's
fortunes could depend not only
on the VP Sourcing, but on a
single buyer's competence.
is dreadful just how many large,
medium and small companies still
organize supply chain structures
according to 1960 models - the
'you buy stuff from the same
vendors that you've always
known, and you stock the stuff
in the warehouse the way that
you've always done it'
philosophy. Sometimes even
billion dollar companies are
little better than that. There
is still a great randomness in
the sophistication and quality
of supply chain organizations in
the U.S., and it is generally as
bad or worse in other countries
in the industrialized world.
Supply chain organizations are
still only partly organized with
the understanding that
manufacturing will probably not
be done in the home country, or
that an increased share will be
done worldwide. Manufacturing
departments are organizing to
globalization, but purchasing
and materials departments still
often lag behind and hold onto
older habits. Part of this
reason is simple: it's a lot
easier for a company to move a
manufacturing plant to another
city or country, than it is to
teach its purchasing department
how to do their job entirely
differently and to think
differently. To do that, there
has to be someone at the top who
knows how to provide the road
map, but those people are often
absent from senior management.
big challenge for US procurement
departments is for purchasing
staffs to obtain as quickly as
possible a knowledge of the big
world outside the U.S. There is
more burden on them to do so
than on sales managers, who
usually think locally based on
their own local sales territory,
or manufacturing people, who
usually focus on getting the job
done in their own plants. The
corporate procurement person
needs to be the company's
ambassador to a world of vendors
around the entire planet, so
that person must need to know
the world better than do other
people in the company, even than
the CEO.
is some sort of strange irony
that despite America being a
diverse country whose people
have family or personal links
into virtually every country in
the world, the place is filled
with a huge number of people who
not only have never travelled
outside the US, but who will
proudly tell you that they don't
own a passport, and that even if
they could travel overseas, they
would not go. It doesn't matter
that their job security probably
will depend in some part on
customers and vendors overseas.
Sometimes people like this
somehow end up as CEO's, VP's,
or as heads of supply chain. In
our work, we are constantly
finding that many senior
American managers do not know
anything about China, Taiwan or
Hong Kong. Many people identify
Korea, which has winters about
as cold as Chicago's, as being
in tropical Southeast Asia. Most
have minimal knowledge of
Mexico, although there usually
is some idea that people there
speak Spanish. Brazil is almost
entirely out of their
manufacturing world view. India,
with a billion plus people and
quite more English speaking
scientists and engineers than
exist in the US, is still
distant from their sight. One
Vice President even identified
the Netherlands and Germany to
me as being in Southern Europe.
a century where a company's
expansion, worldwide market
share, or survival could depend
upon how a company's managers'
balancing US versus global
product content or global
manufacturing, there is a
special requirement for
companies to have the right
procurement heads in place, and
those people absolutely need to
know something about the entire
world. A good start in achieving
this knowledge is to go to a toy
store and buy a globe. It might
cost a company about ten or
twenty dollars. This investment
should be stationed permanently
on the procurement manager's
desk to remind the person that
there is a whole world of
vendors, customers and
people in purchasing who want to
advance in their fields, they
need to become citizens of the
world. The more that they really
know how to identify, qualify
and negotiate with the best
vendors for their companies, the
greater will be their
achievements, the higher will be
their salaries, and the greater
will be their career
opportunities. For those who
prefer to stick with their same
traditional, narrow field of
vendors, there will be less
career opportunities.
seems that many companies come
to us with a similar problem:
our supply chain organization
does not work properly.
Sometimes, to be very frank,
they need to get rid of the
person at the top of their
supply chain structure. In many
cases, we have seen companies
move an inadequate manager up
the ladder from Purchasing
Manager to Supply Chain Director
to SVP Supply Chain, when that
person really is still in the
mindset of a 1960-era factory
and purchasing department model.
Often when the person at the top
has the wrong outlook, they make
it harder for good staff to
develop, because they just are
stuck in a different mindset.
Another complication is salary.
The person at the top who is not
very good, might be happy with a
salary that is paid by the
company, but because s/he is
happy with that salary, that
does not mean that it would be
easy to bring in good Directors
and Managers below him or her,
because good supply chain
managers are making very good
salaries. In many companies,
good Managers or Directors are
earning more or almost as much
as VP's."
have/are required skills
changing to meet demands of
today’s supply chains?
"Some companies are putting
millions of dollars into the
coffers of management consulting
firms selling them millions of
dollars of software and supply
chain related 'solutions,'
without putting time and effort
into hiring the right VP's of
Supply Chain, Director of Supply
Chain, Sourcing Manager, etc. It
kind of reminds me of the old
story about a famous automaker's
early foray into robotics - they
put millions worth of robotic
equipment and software into a
state of the art factory, but
all that happened was that the
same errors were consistently
and efficiently banged out each
time. People still count.
Technology in the hands of
unprepared or unsuitable
managers is a waste of money and
time. In the hands of the right
people, technology can be of
great advantage. But let's
remember that there is hardly
any investment more cost
effective to a company than
hiring a smart and hard working
procurement manager. It's sad,
but it seems that for corporate
execs, it is easier to pay
millions of dollars for
technology than to redo your
organizational chart a little,
train or fire one or two people,
and pay some good people what
they are worth."
have such trends changed the
jobs of purchasing officers?
"A lot of people are trying hard
to learn the technologies, and
that's great, because they need
that. Some people are finding
themselves on planes travelling
far and wide for the first times
in their lives, and many people
with these exposures are the
better for it. Many procurement
jobs are being based all around
the world, especially China.
This has particularly been of
value to people with Chinese
(Mandarin or Cantonese) language
companies hire purchasing
officers or hire consultants
rather than full-time
are all different models for
supply chain organizations.
Often we see older companies
that recognize that they have a
problem, bring in a consultant
to sort out what their
bottlenecks are and to make
recommendations. That's a good
first step before hiring a new
head of supply chain."
a company does not employ their
own purchasing head, in my
opinion, the person who made
that decision had better have a
really good reason for doing so.
That would sound to me like a
classical 'penny wise yet pound
foolish' strategy, because if a
firm engaged in manufacturing
does not control its own
purchasing and relies on
strangers to bring them the
supplies that they need to
survive, they might not be
served by a party that is
dedicated full time to their
often see large companies tell
us, for example, that they have
a buying office in Hong Kong,
Guangzhou or Shanghai. Our
follow up question is this: is
the person running that office
your employee? The second
question is: does that person
speak Chinese? If the answer to
either question is 'no,' we
believe that the client should
quickly seek to change that
situation. It is perfectly
reasonable even for small
companies to be able to hire a
competent bilingual China
Sourcing Manager. Remarkably, we
have seen a good number of
multinationals have their own
sourcing office in China, but
the person running it is a
person who could not read the
simplest sentence in Chinese!
Imagine if a U.S. firm hired a
supposedly 'really good'
purchasing manager in the U.S.
headquarters, but that person
was a functional illiterate in
English. How effective could
that person really be in that
job? Fixing supply chain
organizations sometimes just
takes a little common sense."
are must-have skills for
purchasing officers?
people must know how to analyze
the veracity of vendor claims.
Choosing vendors on low price
alone can be a trap for a
purchasing person and can
destroy a company. They need to
get on a plane accompanied by
some manufacturing or industrial
engineers and make surprise
inspections of the factory where
the vendor's product is made.
They need to take into account
the conditions of the workers at
the vendor plant and judge the
morale of the staff, because
poorly run vendor factories
where their staff are
mistreated, are likely to be bad
bets as vendors. Business
partners who cheat their staff
might also cheat their
customers. They need to see
evidence that quantities of
product have been produced on
schedule and received with the
quality expected. They need to
know how to negotiate with
different speeds and styles -
the way that a good baseball
pitcher might have a good
fastball for some batters, a
good curveball for other
MAGAZINE: Are these
skillsets the same across
all industries?’
are salaries/benefits
purchasing officers can
"Salaries for good Purchasing
Managers, Sourcing Directors,
Procurement Vice Presidents,
etc., have been generally
remaining high despite slowdowns
in many markets. This is due to
the fact that there generally
are a shortage of really good
Supply Chain Managers, Supply
Chain Directors, and VP Supply
Chain candidates in the various
industries, and as companies try
new business models in
manufacturing, such as relying
on overseas plants or vendors to
make their products, having the
best possible purchasing and
materials supply chain managers
and systems is critical. There
is a rush by many good companies
to find top supply chain heads,
and while there is a scarcity of
people available in any given
industry sector or region,
salaries adjust upward according
to this demand. Depending upon
the region and industry, a
purchasing manager in the US
could be earning from $70-120K,
a director might be earning
between $80-140K, and a VP or
SVP could be earning between
$150-400K. Bonuses targeted to
the achievement of certain
personal or departmental or
company benchmarks also can be
very important components in
these compensation packages."
work as a purchasing officer
a high turnover and/or
burnout career? If so, can
you offer any tips for
avoiding burnout?
"Just like any other job, if the
person is fit for the job and is
given enough encouragement by
one's employer, the job should
be rewarding and an enjoyable
ongoing challenge. Some people
who are in the wrong company
might feel burnt out, but it
probably isn't due to the
purchasing profession as much as
what they have to do at a
particular company. They need to
change jobs at that point. There
are a lot of exciting things
going on in the supply chain
world, and there are more
opportunities than ever before
for those who are adventurous
and who have active minds.
nice thing about a career in
supply chain is that because it
is so pivotal to the revenue and
success of a company, there is
unprecedented interest by others
in supply chain people. This
translates into promotions to
general manager and president
roles, COO roles, and CEO jobs.
If done right, the job of a
purchasing person will offer
that person insight into the
entire structure of a company,
as purchasing and supply chain
will have links into sales,
marketing, finance,
manufacturing and IT
departments. The supply chain
person will be the 'go-to'
person, be the bridge builder,
and that person, whose
'customers' are the entire
company's staff, will be highly
visible, With visibility, often
promotability follows."