Executive Search & Management Recruitment Worldwide


Legal Notice to Copyright Violators

Warning to End-Users & Content Developers that Illegally Use or Sell ART Copyrighted Materials

ART website content is for the express and sole use of ART's potential client companies and potential candidates. It is not for any use whatsoever by other executive search firms, recruitment companies, or any other companies or individuals.


The Unauthorized Reproduction and/or Sale of any material copyrighted by ART is strictly prohibited and is against international law. The entire ART website is copyright protected, and ART reserves all rights.


Firms or Individuals that violate our copyright and that make use of our materials for their own purposes are seen by ART as causing substantial harm to our reputation and brand, and as such, they risk severe prosecution, subjecting them to significant financial damages.


Please note that we maintain web logs which might track you and your unauthorized usage of our copyrighted website.

This information might be used by us later as evidence of your activities. Your downloading or seeing this web page is being noted, and the recording of your downloading or visiting this web page can be offered as proof that you are aware that we enforce our copyright. So if you have copied and/or sold our copyrighted material, you will not be able to claim ignorance of our copyright or of international copyright laws and agreements.


If you use our copyrighted material on this copyrighted website for your own use, we will find you and stop you, wherever you are. We use a variety of electronic and other means to identify copyright violators, including Copyscape. Please note: this includes "derivative material," in which the substance of our copyrighted material has been stolen and is retained in your illegal copy, with our words being replaced here and there with your text.


International copyright law also recognizes "derivative material" as being in violation of copyright law, just the same as if you copied our materials word for word! You cannot use the ART website or any component of it as a template for your own website without your being in violation of international copyright laws. This includes not only language used on this website, but also our web architecture and design and format elements.


Much of ART's copyrighted material found on this website dates back as early as 1987. Independent recognized authorities such as the Internet Archive record much of  the early ART copyrighted materials published on this website from 1998. In a conflict over copyright, violators would be confronted with this overwhelming evidence of our firm's preexisting copyrighted materials.


You could avoid a great number of problems if you simply describe your firm and your services in your own words. Seriously, if you cannot describe your services and practices yourself without stealing marketing materials from another firm's website, why are you in this business? If you do not know how to describe your firm, please take up a different field. If you are pretending to do what ART does, you are misleading your clients and candidates, and this kind of misrepresentation of your services could subject you to prosecution by ART or by these parties.


Any party that is found to have used ART's copyrighted website materials is in violation of U.S., Canadian, U.K., European, Chinese, Indian, Singaporean, and International law, and as such, violators are subject to a variety of possible punitive measures by ART.

In the cases where we have caught copyright violators, these perpetrators initially seemed to believe that we could not stop them. Either they believed that their location protected them in some way or that the cost to us to prosecute them would be too high. In EVERY SINGLE CASE we have been able to stop the copyright violator without costing our firm time or money. None of the punitive actions available to us involve much expense to us in terms of either time or money, but they could ruin your business permanently.


    Please do not force us to have to resort to any of these punitive measures, simply to enforce our copyright:

      1. Shutting down your website by informing your web hosting service that you are violating the terms of your contract with them, which usually requires that you do not violate any laws, including copyright laws.
      1. Notifying various social media and search engines to remove you from any search results following queries related to your firm's website. Most search engines respect copyright laws, and violations of copyright are grounds for a website being removed. Please note that if your firm is not in the USA, most search engines based in the USA do recognize US copyright law, even if the violator is not in the USA. Do you really want to cause your firm to be banned from search engines worldwide and in all languages?


      1. Informing the local press in your city or country. Especially in a difficult economy, the press might find it interesting to cover unethical behavior of a recruitment firm. Most people are aware that the internet is filled with copyright violations due to "copy and paste," but perhaps the press in your city might find it an interesting story to hear our very effective advice about how to stop someone anywhere from violating one's copyright. Your copyright violation could be highlighted in the article and you would have to answer many embarrassing questions about your lack of ethical behavior. Please note that ART proudly counts among our candidates around the world people who are journalists, editors, publishers, and broadcasters. Are you prepared to have to explain your unethical business practices in the court of public opinion?


      1. Informing your local society of human resources professionals, because a firm that misrepresents itself and violates copyright laws might not be a firm to do business with.


      1. Informing relevant industry groups that your firm is likely to deal with, because a firm that misrepresents itself and violates copyright laws might not be a firm to do business with.


      1. Informing relevant government and law enforcement agencies in the places where you operate, because a firm that misrepresents itself and violates copyright laws might also violate other laws and be a danger to society. Copyright violators whose recruitment business involves the obtaining of work visas, such as USA H1-B's, or Canadian skilled worker visas, should note that ART will have no problem whatsoever in contacting relevant national or provincial immigration bureaus to complain that your firm violated copyright laws and that your businesses might be perpetrating fraud by doing so. Such a complaint might affect your ability to do business, not only the name of the website in which the violation was spotted, but in all of your businesses identified by us as belonging to you. Please note that ART proudly counts among our candidates around the world people who are at the ministerial and sub-ministerial levels in their respective governments.


      1. Contacting your firm's current, past or potential clients and/or candidates and informing them of your violation of international copyright law.

    Nearly every country on earth is a signatory of the Berne Convention on Intellectual Property, and ART's friends in your country can be very helpful to us, in seeing to it that there is no place on earth for copyright violators to be safe.


    ART has successfully stopped copyright violators around the globe, including individuals and firms in countries said to be "untouchable" or even "lawless" as far as copyright law enforcement is concerned, but typically within 24-48 hours, our violated material has been removed from the violator's website, either by them or by us.


    In our experience, EVERY SINGLE FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL that has been confronted with our "Cease and Desist" letter, sent following our discovery of their violation, quickly has understood that compliance with copyright law is greatly to their benefit.

    We have been successful in enforcing our copyright over and over again in countries as diverse as the following (listed in order of frequency of violations):

    • India
    • Canada
    • China
    • USA
    • Hong Kong
    • Singapore
    • UK
    • Indonesia
    • Philippines
    • Sweden
    • Belgium
    • Germany
    • Mali
    • Benin
    • Serbia
    • France
    • Malaysia
    • Nigeria
    • Egypt
    • Turkey
    • Czech Rep.
    • Australia
    • Mexico
    • Netherlands
    • Greece
    • Russia
    • Lebanon
    • Dubai
    • Latvia
    • Japan
    • Korea
    • UAE

    IMPORTANT: A firm that is found to have violated our copyright cannot claim that they have a right to publish our materials simply  because they paid a third party content provider for this material. This is like buying stolen merchandise and claiming a right of ownership. The violator's first obligation under the law is to cease violating our copyright. If they wish to pursue the web content developer to return fees paid, that is their business, but such action does not take priority over ending their violation of our copyrighted materials.


      When first presented with our evidence of their firm's having violated our copyright, many violators claim that they had hired an outside contractor to provide content to them. Our question is this: when you read the content that they sold you, why did you not change the material when you saw, quite clearly, that the marketing language did not accurately describe your firm's business operations, methods or capabilities?

      In our findings, most violators of our copyrighted material do not in any way imaginable do what we do, and they do not in any way have the resources or abilities that we do, yet in their theft of our language, they quite brazenly claim to do what we do.

      So when our investigators confront a CEO of such a firm and he says, almost invariably, that he did not know that the material was stolen, our next question is: "So at what point, when reading your website, did it occur to you that your website was describing a firm that does not do what your firm does, and when did this seem odd to you?"

      Of course, another obvious question to pose is, "For what reason did you hire the content provider, and how could that person possibly be knowledgeable of executive search practices to a degree worthy of  hiring him?"


      If asked these questions in a courtroom or by a journalist, how would the CEO of that recruitment company answer? The fact is that he did hire someone to go out and steal another company's copyrighted material. One company CEO told our investigator that he had hired a person to "mirror" two mass staffing company websites, since they were his direct competitors, but he was "surprised" that they took ART's material, since ART was an executive search firm and not an employment agency. Apparently the ethics of "mirroring" in the first place had escaped the conscience of this gentleman!


    Any third party web content vendor that violates our copyright and then sells it to another firm will make themselves subject to prosecution and/or severe punitive action, not only by ART, but possibly in conjunction with the firm to whom you illegally sold our material. At our discretion, ART might decide to inform the content developer's potential and/or present clients and partners of their violations. Any reasonable firm should not want to risk the future of their business with content stolen and provided by such a person or company.


    Any party that is discovered to have used ART's copyrighted materials for any criminal purpose will be subject to investigation and legal prosecution. It should be noted that this firm in the past has taken extraordinary measures to identify perpetrators to authorities with the goals of ceasing their activities and/or bringing them to prosecution, no matter where their location on earth.



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