with GERMANY'S Düsseldorf
following interview was
conducted by German journalist
and editor Sabine Scheltwort for
the prestigious business daily
"Düsseldorf Handelsblatt" and
Atlantic Research Technologies'
Vice President for Advanced
Technologies. Excerpts appeared
in Handelsblatt in the "Junge
Karriere" section as a featured
special on Silicon Valley.
Approximately how many open
positions are there in Silicon
Valley? What's the reason why
there are so many vacancies? In
which fields (marketing,
distribution, etc.) are managers
A: There are
at any one time hundreds or
thousands of vacancies for managers
at companies in Silicon Valley.
These positions could be with
billion-dollar companies like Intel
or Hewlett-Packard or at medium
sized companies or at startup firms.
Silicon Valley, being a great
technology incubator, needs people
who could take new ideas and make
them into products. When they have
the products designed and developed
they then need to manufacture them.
To manufacture them they need people
who could buy the components that
form the product. They need people
to test the product. They need
people to analyze the potential
markets for the product, by country
and by industry. They need people to
sell the products. Sometimes the
customers need to have the products
repaired or need technical questions
answered. Of course, the companies
need people who know how to finance
these ventures, and they need people
to manage all the managers. This is
how in a place that produces so many
new ideas in computers, software,
telecommunications, information
technology, semiconductors,
electronic equipment, scientific
instruments, biomedical and
biotechnology, there is an almost
limitless need for Research and
Development Managers, Engineering
Managers, Quality Assurance
Managers, Manufacturing Managers,
Materials/ Distribution Managers,
Purchasing Managers, Marketing
Managers, Sales Managers, Customer
Service Managers, Technical Service
Managers, Information Technology
Managers, Finance Managers and
General Managers. Naturally, in this
very dynamic little world, people
are leaving their present companies
all the time for better
opportunities. Their leaving then
creates vacancies that have to be
filled. So the large number of
vacancies exists because of the
creation of so many new companies
and new jobs and the constant
movement of managers from one firm
to another.
There is a
constant need for all these types of
managers, but currently, there is a
great need for Finance Managers who
could arrange the finance of startup
companies, as well as the key needs
of finding General Managers and
Marketing and Sales Managers.
Bilingual or multilingual German
managers are very much valued
because of the developing market in
What are the essential differences
between working in Germany and
working in Silicon Valley?
of all, I should say that while
Silicon Valley is an actual place on
a map, "Silicon Valley" is also a
philosophy --a business model, and
to some, a way of life-- that
is being transplanted all over the
world, to many different industries
and companies. Therefore, I am
reluctant to speak in terms of
"Silicon Valley versus Germany." For
example, I am working with some
German machine tool companies, one
in Frankfurt and one in Leipzig,
that are implementing certain
"Silicon Valley" practices. This is
unusual not only for Germany, but it
is especially so in the machine tool
industry, which traditionally is a
very conservative, old-style
business, where often people work at
the same firms that their fathers
and grandfathers worked.
Moreover, in the information
technology, computer and software
industries of Germany, the mentality
and business approach are much more
similar to similar Silicon Valley
companies than they are to other
businesses in Germany.
As to the
basic differences between working in
Germany and in Silicon Valley, the
main issues are job security,
management style, and compensation.
In Germany, it is quite normal to
work at a single company for ten or
twenty years. Because
frequent job changes are common in
Silicon Valley due to the failure of
startups and the large number of new
opportunities, a person who
spent ten or twenty years at the
same firm would be viewed as a
person who is not a risktaker and a
person with limited experiences in
different company cultures. Success
at Silicon Valley startups sometimes
is the result of people learning
from the successes and mistakes of
the many previous companies they
worked for, so a person who only
knows how one company approaches
certain issues is often considered
less valuable. The main reason why
Germans tend to stay at their jobs
and why Silicon Valley people tend
to leave their jobs is that German
firms try to keep their skilled
workers employed at the firm even in
bad economic times, whereas Silicon
Valley firms either do not care
about the loss of skilled workers or
assume that laid off workers will
easily find jobs elsewhere. With no
job security in Silicon Valley,
people have no choice but to become
risktakers willing to take their
chance on startup firms with
unproven technologies or young,
inexperienced managers. In Germany,
job stability prevents people from
taking chances, so fewer startup
firms or new technologies get
developed. What I am saying is that
people all over the world are the
same, and that it is their
institutions that free them or
harness them.
Management in
Germany tends to be very
hierarchical, seniority-based, and
of a "command and control" pattern
where the boss expects reports or
work, then gives more orders to be
followed. Think of how many people
in Germany you might only call "Herr
Doktor Professor" or how many people
you only call "Mr. This" or "Miss
That" -- never "Wilhelm" or "Inge"
and you will see some effects of
hierarchical management. If people
are not encouraged to speak up and
give their opinions to their bosses
and colleagues, many good ideas that
could result in new products or
business will never get started.
Many successful German firms try to
incorporate a style of management
that allows greater and freer
discussion from individual managers
and staff. In Silicon Valley,
there are some dictatorial types,
but they usually do not do too well.
If you go to a meeting in Silicon
Valley, you might be introduced to
Pablo, Betty and Jim --who are all
wearing casual clothes instead of
business suits and talking equally--
and you might have a hard time
guessing what their titles are. It
may take a while to learn that Pablo
is the Chief Financial Officer,
Betty is the President and Jim, who
is the older, more
experienced-looking of the three, is
not even a manager but is a software
This is not
to say that egos are any smaller in
Silicon Valley executives than in
German management ranks, just that
management style appears more
relaxed and open in Silicon Valley.
To some Europeans and Asians more
used to certain formal management
styles, Silicon Valley culture looks
lazy and disorganized. The fact is
that work hours for the average
Silicon Valley high technology
worker might be 60 hours a week.
Managers might work 80 hours a week
or more. They get two or three weeks
vacation a year and do not take more
than a week off at a time. To them,
the Japanese business executive who
spends most of his weeknights doing
business entertainment or the German
worker who gets six weeks vacation
and spends the whole month of August
on a beach are the fortunate ones.
So why would
anyone want to work in Silicon
Valley? Some people are technology
junkies who do not care at all about
salary or working hours but who want
to make the best technology
possible. But most people like the
opportunities. There is no single
place on earth with more
opportunities for a 30 year old to
become a millionaire or to be the
president of his or her own company.
Because stock options are issued, a
person two years out of university
could, theoretically, become a
millionaire. People who in other
places in America or Germany who
would never have the opportunity to
have a job that they helped define
and shape get to do this in Silicon
Valley. Money certainly is an
important factor. Salaries tend to
be higher than in Germany, but it is
bonuses and stock options that make
people work harder. Usually their
bonuses are based on their
individual efforts and the overall
profitability of their company.
These bonuses might be equal to 50%
of their base salary. Stock options
could be worthless or hundreds of
thousands of dollars. The financial
incentives are quite different from
most German compensation plans,
which assume that the employee is
not likely to leave the company.
Why don't many German managers
want to work in the U.S.?
makes sense for people to prefer to
stay in their own country. Going to
another country means you start at a
disadvantage in having to learn
another language and another way of
thinking. Even though many German
employees might not like their boss
or might believe that they would do
better at another company or in
another country, with German job
security, a generally good standard
of living, and very generous
vacations, it is easy to forget
one's dreams or hopes of
self-improvement. By being so
comfortable, a German manager can
lose much more if he or she quits,
goes to the U.S. and fails. It is
scary. I don't blame them.
Q: How
would you encourage them?
firm recruits people in Germany,
Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa,
the Middle East and the U.S. for
positions all over the world. It is
OK if a person does not want to work
in Silicon Valley. I would never
force them. Silicon Valley is not
heaven and it is not hell, it is
just exciting and different.
But we call people about many
exciting and different jobs for
people all over the world outside of
Silicon Valley. If I thought a man
or woman really should consider
Silicon Valley, I would
suggest they try to visit the place
on a business trip. They might even
attend a seminar or industry
conference there. They should see
how people respond to one another.
If the person likes the way people
there work, then he or she might do
well. If the person is shocked or
disgusted or confused, this person
probably would not do well in
Silicon Valley. Next, I would
suggest that the person visit
Silicon Valley during a vacation.
Relaxed, without pressures from
work, one could drive around, look
at houses and other attractions, and
see if the place would be enjoyable.
The person might interview at a few
companies. After that, I would
recommend that the person speak to a
person, especially a friend or
industry colleague from Germany, who
moved to Silicon Valley and who
could explain the pluses and minuses
of working there.
Q: If our
readers are interested in working
in Silicon Valley, how could they
get in contact with you?
heartily welcome all your readers to
learn about our firm by visiting us
at our Atlantic Research
Technologies website,
Atlanticresearch.Com. It is at
Jobseekers could send us their CV
through our internet application
form. We are currently in the
process of developing our
international pages more fully, but
until then, there is more than 200
pages to read, a free online career
guide, and international business,
venture capital, human resources and
other useful career links.